> Documentation > Docs > INFINI Gateway > References > Online Filter > hash_mod

hash_mod #

Description #

The hash_mod filter is used to obtain a unique partition number using the hash modulo of the request’s context. It is generally used for subsequent request forwarding.

Configuration Example #

A simple example is as follows:

  - name: default_flow
      - hash_mod: # Hash requests to different queues
          source: "$[[_ctx.remote_ip]]_$[[_ctx.request.username]]_$[[_ctx.request.path]]"
          target_context_name: "partition_id"
          mod: 10 # Hash to 10 partitions
          add_to_header: true
      - set_context:
            _ctx.request.header.X-Replicated-ID: $[[_util.increment_id.request_number_id]]_$[[_util.generate_uuid]]
            _ctx.request.header.X-Replicated-Timestamp: $[[_sys.unix_timestamp_of_now]]
            _ctx.request.header.X-Replicated: "true"

Parameter Description #

sourcestringInput for the hash, supports variable parameters
target_context_namestringThe primary key name to store the partition number in the context
modintMaximum number of partitions
add_to_request_headerboolWhether to add to the request header, default is true, creating X-Partition-ID and X-Partition-Size headers
add_to_response_headerboolWhether to add to the response header, default is false