Installing Agent
> Documentation > Docs > INFINI Console > References > Agent > Installing Agent

Installing The Agent #

Before You Begin #

Install and keep INFINI Console running.

Install by Console generated script #

curl -sSL http://localhost:9000/agent/ |sudo bash -s -- -u -v 0.6.0-262 -t /opt/agent

The -u and -v parameters indicate that the specified version of the Agent is downloaded from the specified URL, and the -t parameter indicates the installation path. In a networked environment, the – and subsequent parameters can be ignored, and by default, the latest version of the Agent will be downloaded from the official website for installation.

Container Deployment #

INFINI Agent also supports Docker container deployment.

Learn More

Configuration #

Most of the configuration of INFINI Agent can be completed using agent.yml. After the configuration is modified, the agent program needs to be restarted to make the configuration take effect.

After unzip the file and open agent.yml, you will see this:

  LOGGING_ES_ENDPOINT: http://localhost:9200
  API_BINDING: "" data
path.logs: log

  enabled: true
    binding: $[[env.API_BINDING]]

# omitted ...

In most cases, you only need to config the LOGGING_ES_ENDPOINT, but if Elasticsearch has security authentication enabled, then configure the LOGGING_ES_USER and LOGGING_ES_PASS.

The user must have access to the cluster metadata, index metadata, and all indexes with .infini prefix.

Starting the Agent #

Run the agent program to start INFINI Agent, as follows:

   _      ___   __    __  _____
  /_\    / _ \ /__\/\ \ \/__   \
 //_\\  / /_\//_\ /  \/ /  / /\/
/  _  \/ /_\\//__/ /\  /  / /
\_/ \_/\____/\__/\_\ \/   \/

[AGENT] A light-weight, powerful and high-performance elasticsearch agent.
[AGENT] 0.1.0#14, 2022-08-26 14:09:29, 2025-12-31 10:10:10, 4489a8dff2b68501a0dd9ae15276cf5751d50e19
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [app.go:164] initializing agent.
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [app.go:165] using config: /Users/INFINI/agent/agent-0.1.0-14-mac-arm64/agent.yml.
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [instance.go:72] workspace: /Users/INFINI/agent/agent-0.1.0-14-mac-arm64/data/agent/nodes/cc7h5qitoaj25p2g9t20
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [metrics.go:63] ip:, host:INFINI-MacBook.local, labels:, tags:
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [api.go:261] api listen at:
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [module.go:116] all modules are started
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [manage.go:180] register agent to console
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [actions.go:367] elasticsearch [default] is available
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [manage.go:203] registering, waiting for review
[08-31 15:52:07] [INF] [app.go:334] agent is up and running now.

If the above startup information is displayed, the agent is running successfully and listening on the responding port.

But now agent can’t work normally util it’s being added to INFINI Console. See Agent Manage

Shutting Down the Agent #

To shut down INFINI Agent, hold down Ctrl+C. The following information will be displayed:

[AGENT] got signal: interrupt, start shutting down
[08-31 15:57:13] [INF] [module.go:145] all modules are stopped
[08-31 15:57:13] [INF] [app.go:257] agent now terminated.
[AGENT] 0.1.0, uptime: 5m6.240314s

   __ _  __ ____ __ _  __ __
  / // |/ // __// // |/ // /
 / // || // _/ / // || // /
/_//_/|_//_/  /_//_/|_//_/

©INFINI.LTD, All Rights Reserved.

System Service #

To run the INFINI Agent as a system service, run the following commands:

➜ ./agent -service install
➜ ./agent -service start

Uninstall service:

➜ ./agent -service stop
➜ ./agent -service uninstall

Manual Configuration #

If you want to manually configure the INFINI Agent to collect Elasticsearch logs and metrics, you can refer to the agent.yml. If you want to collect metrics and logs for other Elasticsearch clusters, you need to add the corresponding configuraiton under elasticsearch and pipeline configuration.

If you want to toggle off some metrics/logs collecting, set the corresponding pipeline.enabled to `false.

Collect Elasticsearch Metrics #

Collect node stats:

  - name: collect_default_node_stats
    enabled: false
    auto_start: true
    keep_running: true
    retry_delay_in_ms: 10000
      - es_node_stats:
          elasticsearch: default

Collect index stats:

  - name: collect_default_index_stats
    enabled: false
    auto_start: true
    keep_running: true
    retry_delay_in_ms: 10000
      - es_index_stats:
          elasticsearch: default

Collect cluster stats:

  - name: collect_default_cluster_stats
    enabled: false
    auto_start: true
    keep_running: true
    retry_delay_in_ms: 10000
      - es_cluster_stats:
          elasticsearch: default

Collect cluster health info:

  - name: collect_default_cluster_health
    enabled: false
    auto_start: true
    keep_running: true
    retry_delay_in_ms: 10000
      - es_cluster_health:
          elasticsearch: default

Collect Elasticsearch Logs #

Collect the logs from the specified nodes, set the endpoint to the specified node in the elasticsearch configuration:

  - name: collect_default_es_logs
    enabled: false
    auto_start: true
    keep_running: true
    retry_delay_in_ms: 3000
      - es_logs_processor:
          queue_name: "logs"
          elasticsearch: default

If you have multiple nodes running on the local host, add more elasticsearch and pipeline configurations:

  # omitted ...
  - name: cluster-a-node-1
    enabled: true
    endpoint: http://localhost:9202
    monitored: false
      enabled: true

# omitted ...

  - name: collect_node_1_es_logs
    enabled: false
    auto_start: true
    keep_running: true
    retry_delay_in_ms: 3000
      - es_logs_processor:
          queue_name: "logs"
          elasticsearch: cluster-a-node-1

Collect Other Logs #

If es_logs_processor can’t provide the flexibility you need, or you want to collect other services' logs on the local host, you can use logs_processor to collect them. There’s a sample configuration to collect Elasticsearch logs in the agent.yml, you can modify it or add new configurations, and update the metadata and labels for better investigations later.

  - name: log_collect
    enabled: false
    auto_start: true
    keep_running: true
    retry_delay_in_ms: 3000
      - logs_processor:
          queue_name: "logs"
          logs_path: "/opt/es/elasticsearch-7.7.1/logs"
          # metadata for all log items
            category: elasticsearch
          # patterns are matched in order
            - pattern: ".*_server.json$" # file name pattern to match
              # log type, json/text/multiline
              type: json
              # metadata for matched files
                name: server
              # (json) timestamp fields in json message, match the first one
              timestamp_fields: ["timestamp", "@timestamp"]
              # (json) remove fields with specified key path
            - pattern: "gc.log$" # file name pattern to match
              # log type, json/text/multiline
              type: json
              # metadata for matched files
                name: gc
              # (text) regex to match timestamp in the log entries
                - "\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}T\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}.\\d{3}\\+\\d{4}"
                - "\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2},\\d{3}"
                - "\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}T\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2},\\d{3}"
            - pattern: ".*.log$" # file name pattern to match
              # log type, json/text/multiline
              type: multiline
              # (multiline) the pattern to match a new line
              line_pattern: '^\['
              # metadata for matched files
                name: server
              # (text) regex to match timestamp in the log entries
                - "\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}T\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}.\\d{3}\\+\\d{4}"
                - "\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2},\\d{3}"
                - "\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}T\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2},\\d{3}"